Learn how Genius Station Ai Autotrading only makes the best trades.
The automatic realization of the best trades in Genius AI Autotrading
Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the world of #trading by allowing #investisseurs to quickly process large quantities of market data. Les #algorithmes based on#IA are able to detect patterns in data that would be difficult, if not impossible, to detect manually.
Les #algorithmes of #trading have existed for over 10 years and were initially reserved for institutions #financières. In recent years, the advent of artificial intelligence and the technology of #cloud has made it increasingly easy for individual investors to access trading algorithms. It is in this context that Genius Station revolutionized trading by offering its Genius Ai algorithm to both institutions and individuals. This feat was made possible by customizing the GeniusAI algorithm for each client, taking into account individual nuances such as capitalization level and trading experience. Thus, each client benefits from an algorithm adapted to their specific needs and their investor profile. This democratization of access to the trading algorithm allows individual investors to benefit from the same advantages as institutional investors, such as the ability to monitor numerous markets simultaneously and to quickly detect #opportunités of trading.
The Genius algorithm is a sophisticated service based on#IA Who analyzes the markets in a few milliseconds #financiers to find the #produits and #stratégies the most profitable. Genius Station Ai is able to monitor the markets in real time, detect any price variation anomalies and determine the most effective strategies. The bases used by the#algorithme Genius Ai is based in part on recovering excess prices, a technique presented in the book”Excess prices“. This method makes it possible to detect significant differences in prices and real valuations that can be exploited to make gains.
Genius Ai analyzes dozens of products such as #futures, the #forex, the #indices, the raw materials, the #crypto-currencies and #actions on the international financial markets.
THE#algorithme Genius verifies the quality of the strategies found using the principles of near certainty, as described in the book”Quasi-Certainty“. These principles include rigorous statistical analysis to verify the validity of strategies, using significance tests and reliability criteria.
Thanks to its artificial intelligence, Genius is able to recognize market manipulations and deactivate a strategy if the risk is too high.
The Genius algorithm thus uses machine learning techniques to analyze and optimize the profitability of its strategies, while avoiding the pitfalls of#overfitting and over-optimization that could lead to unreliable or non-generalizable results.
By combining these principles of near certainty with the advantages of artificial intelligence and real-time market analysis, the Genius algorithm is in a position to offer high-performance trading strategies, adapted to current market conditions, with controlled risk and a positive expectation of gain.
Unlike many others #algorithmes of #trading that rely on technical indicators to detect market patterns, the algorithm Genius Station Ai does not use technical indicators for its reasoning. Genius Ai does not focus on looking for the reproduction of cycles or historical patterns, but rather focuses on analyzing current price movements to determine trading opportunities.
THE#algorithme of artificial intelligence Genius Station provided comprehensive strategies operating according to the principle of orders #OSO, with one entry order and two exit orders to make gains and protect the position.
The Genius Ai algorithm tracks strategies in real time once they have been executed (read, Autotrade Genius, 100% automatic trading). The AI analyzes the market data live and automatically decides whether to lighten, increase or exit the current strategy in advance.
The performance of the Genius algorithm is increased tenfold during periods of high volatility, such as economic announcements, where it offers exceptional results.
Using artificial intelligence, the Genius AI algorithm detects the best time, the best product, and the best exposure size for each trade.
The Genius trading algorithm is already widely tested and used by hundreds of users, whether trading professionals or retail investors. The performance of the algorithm is verifiable and the results obtained have been extensively documented and attest to its effectiveness.
To better inform users about the performance of the Genius Ai algorithm, Genius has set up a system for publishing statistics in real time, which is available to the public. It also offers the possibility of receiving a weekly report by email on request. In this way, users can have a clearer picture of the effectiveness of the algorithm and its evolution, and adapt their use accordingly.
Validated strategies are presented and implemented directly by professional market operators, on Genius TV, the 24/7 live trading news channel.
The Genius Ai algorithm is natively integrated into the Genius Station trading platform (genius-station.com), but it can also be exported as an algorithm for other trading platforms. (API renting)
The Genius Algorithm is also accessible via the mobile application Genius for Mobile, available on platforms android and ios.
The company Genius Station has developed an active and dynamic community around its algorithm, including a social trading platform which makes it possible to monitor the performance of traders using the algorithm and to share trading strategies with the community.
The most reticent will appreciate the individual demonstration sessions proposed by Genius, which allow you to check the power of its algorithm in real time.
Financial markets are increasingly dominated by algorithms. For this reason, many investors are turning to using an algorithm to trade and regain equity. However, it is important to maintain control over the algorithm and to be able to intervene manually if necessary. Trading with an algorithm like that of Genius Ai offers many advantages such as being the fastest. It is essential to know the difference between an algorithm and a “black box”. It is also important to have a knowledge base of financial markets in order to understand the risks involved in trading.
For more information contact +33 9 80 08 20 11 or info@genius-station.com